There are many different types of life expectancy or longevity calculators designed with different objectives in mind. While no calculator is 100% accurate, it is important to choose a tool that is appropriate for your objective.

Medical Lifespan Calculators
For shorter term life expectancies, these are often health condition specific and may require healthcare training to use them effectively.

Annuity Calculators
For shorter term life expectancies, these are often health condition specific and may require healthcare training to use them effectively.

Statistical Lifespan Calculators
For shorter term life expectancies, these are often health condition specific and may require healthcare training to use them effectively.

Fun / Educational Calculators
Fast and fun to use. Although not necessarily accurate, these are often helpful to demonstrate how lifestyle choices affect life expectancy.

Geriatric Prognosis
For shorter term life expectancies, these are often health condition specific and may require healthcare training to use them effectively.

Life Expectancy Tables
Also referred to as Actuarial Life Tables, these are quick reference charts that provide expected life spans based on one’s current age.
Words of Caution when Using Life Expectancy Calculators
They are not 100% accurate. There are many factors that affect life expectancy which these tools cannot possibly take into account.
They are not all created equal nor are they always based on real data. Be aware of who provides the calculator and their motivation for building it as they provide biased results.
Medical lifespan calculators often require healthcare training to interpret the results and even input the data. While these are available to non-healthcare professionals.
There are calculators that are designed to capture personal information and sell you products or affect advertising. We make a strong effort to not link to any of these sites.
Why Calculate One’s Life Expectancy?
Some people find the concept of life expectancy calculator to be offensive. However, there are many reasons other than morbid curiosity for wanting to determine approximately how long one has to live.
For example, if an individual is terminally ill or has a progressive condition such as Alzheimer’s and they require long term care, their family will want them to live out their days in an environment where they are most comfortable. Knowing approximately how long care will be required will help the family make the decision whether they can afford to pay for Alzheimer’s care or whether they’ll need to qualify for Medicaid. One decision might be made with a life expectancy of 6 months and an entirely different decision with a life expectancy of several years. This is especially relevant when it comes to paying for long term care using financial products such as reverse mortgages that have high upfront costs.