These calculators are typically designed by government agencies or life insurance companies or use data from those sources such as census and insurance payout information. They provide a long term view and are appropriate for retirement planning, IRAs, purchasing annuities or life insurance policies. They rarely take into consideration an individual’s existing health conditions but may look at a family’s medical history.
Wharton Life Calculator
Developed by the highly respected, University of Pennsylvania Business School, this non-medical calculator mostly looks at demographics and lifestyle information uses life insurance statistics to project one’s life expectancy.
Living to 100 Calculator
This popular calculator takes about 10 minutes to complete and takes into consideration medical, hereditary, demographic and lifestyle information but does not require medical training or detailed diagnostic information to complete.
Social Security Retirement & Survivors Benefits
The US Social Security Administration provides an extremely simple tool, based on true averages, that shows one’s expected time remaining as determined by their date of birth.
Life-Extension Science Calculator
Built by the Foundation for Infinite Survival, this is an interesting calculator based on statistical information. After determining one’s life expectancy, they enable one to see how their life expectancy might be extended in various futuristic scenarios.